Case of the Mondays #4: Ko Phi Phi


So what if it is Monday once again? It's going to be an awesome week! For me - I am about to go sing up for a local gym here in Ukraine since it has been almost two months of slacking off. I am also committing to give the MorningCoach a try for at least three weeks (the time to make something into a habit). Finally, I am strongly considering Chris Brogan's Three Books Diet challenge. Oh, and I have been working on some back-end improvements to this site that I am hoping to roll out this week.

It's going to be an awesome one! Have I mentioned it yet?

But back to what you came here for - the forth installment of my Case of the Mondays series is here to give you some motivation (or at least a pretty picture to look at) on the first day of this (awesome!) week. After the rolling plains of northeast Texas, we are returning to tropical paradise - the island of Ko Phi Phi (or Koh Phi Phi or Ko(h) Phi Phi Don, whichever one strikes your fancy) in southern Thailand.

The rules are the same: click on the picture to enlarge it (yes, I promise it works just like that now), wait for it to load, scroll around and enjoy the view, then click anywhere to return to reality. Oh, and don't forget to click "Like" to the left and maybe even pin it on Pinterest! Feel free to share this on your Facebook or LinkedIn to help your other friends and coworkers with their Case of the Mondays as well :) I would sure appreciate it!

The Island of Ko Phi Phi

The story of Ko Phi Phi is a typical one for travel destinations in South East Asia - it started out as a backpacker heaven until it got more publicity and more tourists started arriving there. After it was damaged badly by a cyclone a few years ago, it was rebuilt nearly from scratch with more focus on tourism. As such, even though it still maintains its natural charm, it did not impress me nearly as much as island hopping in (so far) less touristy Bacuit Archipelago in the Philippines.

Happy Monday!