Case of the Mondays #3: Texas Rolling Plains


Woohoo! It is Monday again! Happy start of the awesome week, everyone! But just in case you could use a quick break to look at a pretty picture of a pretty place far away (or not) from your office, the Case of the Mondays series is back!

After Bacuit Archipelago and Punta de la Ferrera, this week we move inland to northern Texas for a view of seemingly endless rolling plains there.

Remember the rules: click on the picture to enlarge it, wait for it to load, scroll around and enjoy the view, then click anywhere to return to reality. Oh, and don't forget to click "Like" to the left and maybe even pin it on Pinterest! Feel free to share this on your Facebook or LinkedIn to help your other friends and coworkers with their Case of the Mondays as well :)

Rolling plains of Texas (bordering with Oklahoma)

My sister and I were treated to this view at a rest area along Interstate 40 as we entered Texas from Oklahoma during our recent road trip to California. It was a nice break from flat and uneventful (and rest-area-less) Okie state. Looking at this, I imagined countless herds of bisons grazing these plains just a few hundred years ago. Unfortunately, no animals were anywhere in sight when we were there.