Case of the Mondays #34: Tromsøysundet
Ah, it's another Monday. The dreaded start of another week. Work has you down? The email inbox has exploded over the weekend? Fret not! Another installment of Case of the Mondays is here to help you deal with it. Or at least distract your mind from all that as you scroll through and enjoy a big panoramic image of an awesome place. Just click on the image below to open up the full version (give it some time to load) and use your arrow keys to move around and see all the details. Then click anywhere or hit Esc to close it. That's it for Dos and Don'ts. Now pop open the full panorama and pan around!
Today, let's head back to Norwegian town of Tromsø, located far above the Polar Circle :
I took this picture six months ago while visiting Tromsø and they still had A LOT of snow in mid April. Well, fast forward to today and judging by pictures being posted by my friends, the snow has already returned so I figured it would be appropriate to share this. Enjoy the view and see if you can spot the old Tromsø harbor (on the right) as well as the north-most cathedral (on the left).
And now get back to work! Or check out the rest of Case of the Mondays series. It really is up to you :)