Case of the Mondays #26: San Francisco


Exactly a week ago now, last Monday, my car broke down in Death Valley and I have been stuck in a little town in the middle of nowhere waiting for it be fixed. Not sure about you, but with the rest of epic road trip plans currently on hold and not even a word on whether the car is fixable, yet alone when it would be ready, I could sure use a picker-upper on this Monday. So I will do what I always do - share one amazing thing with you instead.

How about a panoramic view of one of my favorite cities? I give you San Francisco!

Pause whatever is bothering you right now, open up the full version of this colorful panorama and pan around to enjoy:

San Francisco panorama from Alcatraz Island

I shot this panorama while visiting the famous Alcatraz Island prison. After walking around the jail cells, it was a nice break to get some fresh air and see the city from that angle. You can see a small portion of Bay Bridge on the left, followed by San Fran downtown in the background and its endless piers lining the bay in the foreground. The sea of sailboat masts are the participants of prestigious America's Cup regatta that was in town that week while the seemingly giant gray ship further to the right is one of few surviving "Liberty Ships" - mass produced transports during World War II. Going further to the right, you see the famous steep streets of the city. The one in the middle I was [un]fortunate enough to drive the day before and it was quite an experience!

But what still amazes me the most about this city is how colorful it is with all the little, bright colored buildings lining up the hills. I'm lovin' it!

Alright now, I'm off to get breakfast, and you should probably get back to work. Or check out the rest of Case of the Mondays series. It really is up to you :)